desires to create an authentic community & relationships of all kinds, by getting us off our phones & engaging with one another.
Hot Potato Hearts is an inclusive community, building meaningful connections in low-pressure, casual safe spaces. Creator Katie Conway, dreamt up inclusive speed dating out of frustration from online dating in December 2021. Since then Hot Potato Hearts has grown into so much more than just a dating app alliterative. While Speed dating is what Hot Potato Hearts is most famous for it's not all we do here, we also host & produce Perfect Mash, a live dating show, two different trivia events, an occasional book club & community mixers. Our goal is to create a welcoming, fun, inclusive, & relaxed environment at all our events for cultivating relationships—whether romantic or platonic. Born from the heart of a queer woman Hot Potato Hearts is & always will be a space for all genders, all sexualities, all races, all abilities.

she/her, pansexual, leo
As the creator of Hot Potato Hearts, Katie eats, sleeps & dreams potatoes. Katie’s love of potatoes came long before the birth of Hot Potato Hearts, some could speculate that it originated growing up in a large Irish family, others could say the love was born from sharing hot fries & steamy gossip with close friends, one might even claim the obsession is due to Katie’s own skills at turning a potato into gourmet vegan meal, whatever the reason a girl loves her taters. Girl is also multidimensional & has many other interests, including curating the perfect playlist for a road trip, thrifting fits inspired by Lizzie McGuire & sitting in the sunshine with her pup. Katie embodies her Leo sun in many ways, her big heart, compassion, drive & wild red mane.
katie conway
julie szamocki
​she/her, bisexual, leo
Julie is THEE Hot Potato Hearts employee & she brings THEE energy with her everywhere she goes! Julie personifies her Leo passion in all she does, from being a die hard Swiftie, collecting American Girl Dolls & unironically not watching tv. Originally an east coast girlie, this spud has found her home in Chicago. On top of being Hot Potato Hearts employee of the month every month, she is furthering her education in grad school (but we don’t need to talk about it, she is more than her degree!) Julie is one of the funniest humans alive & uses her power of humor for good, disarming other people's anxieties, adding pizzazz to Perfect Mash, & sending the perfect text when you're on the brink of losing it! Julie is hard working, easy to look at & overall a joy to be around.