what do you call a good looking french fry?

inclusive speed dating
Inclusive Speed Dating is just like typical speed dating, you go on multiple 5 minute dates, anonymously write down who you like & get emailed your matches the next day. However at Hot Potato Hearts we invite people of all genders & sexualities to date. We do not pair people off based on their sexual orientation, who you date is completely random, so you can get a romantic date or make some new friends!
We do offer recurring community focused speed dating events such as Queer Only, Sober, Ethically Non-Monogamous/Polyamoursous, 40 Plus, Masks Required & have a few others in the oven
perfect mash
Perfect Mash is a dating show with three contestants you can try to win a date with based on compatibility. We advertise the three contestants beforehand on our social media. The day of, audience members will fill out a compatibility quiz for whichever contestant(s) they are interested in. If you are one of the top three most compatible, you’ll go on stage and answer a question asked by the contestant. The contestant will choose their date based on their answers.

smart potato
When spuds arrive they will get assigned a trivia team with the intention of making new friends & to kick trivia ass. We will play two games of trivia, switching teams in between to meet as many people.
Currently on hiatus, will be returning this winter!
Potato Potahto is a series of subjective trivia-like games, based on a random person in the crowd or a previously established professional. It’s like improv trivia??? Come find out, tbh.

Book Spuds is an open to all club that meets every 3 months to discuss books written by queer authors.
Currently on hiatus, will be returning this winter!